Even though we do something different each year, summer camp is always a highlight for our teens and often times a watershed moment in their spiritual journeys were they take huge leaps in their relationship with Jesus Christ. Every year eternities are changed, burdens are lifted, and commitments are renewed.
To learn about what's in store for 2020, click here to DOWNLOAD the packet
Teen camp 2020 is coming!
2019 Camp highlight video
One of the unique aspects to our Freedom Teens camps is the AFFORDABILITY. We are able to provide once-in-a-lifetime opportunities to teens that may not have the financial ability to attend your average camp. It's the GENEROSITY of our Freedom Family that makes that possible!
This year we've worked even harder than ever to provide camp in a cost effective way, so here's how you can parter with us:
$200 Donation: Sponsors a camper IN FULL!
$100 Donation (or any other amount): Helps offset FFC's considerable cost investment while still requiring a reasonable financial commitment from the camper.
You can support camp online RIGHT HERE (select "teens" in dropdown menu)
testimonies from last year
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